morphological characteristics of the Luofu Terrier
Luofu Terrier (confirmed introduction)

The ideal height of an adult Rover Terrier should be 22.9-27.9cm, with female dogs being shorter than male dogs. The ideal adult dog body weight should be 4.99~5.44kg. This range is suitable for Roffield Terriers of various types and body shapes. The Raffles Terrier is one of the smallest working terriers.
This versatile and lovable breed can burrow underground, chase away foxes, and capture or dispatch other harmful beasts. It can occur individually or in a widespread manner. In dog show competitions, honorary scars or tears on the coat are acceptable.
Eyes are small, oval, with black edges. The eyes are well set apart and sparkling. Have a sharp and intelligent expression. The ears are clean and droopy, small, with a depression at the cranial line, close to the cheek, but not exceeding the outer edge of the eye. The ears are V-shaped, with slightly rounded tips, soft and smooth to the touch.
The skull is broad and slightly rounded, with good width between the ears. The kiss is healthy and wedge-shaped. Length - 1/3 of the length from the back of the head to the notch between the clear nose and forehead. The jaw is clean, healthy and strong. Closed lips, scissors bite, large teeth.
Neck, Topline and Body
Neck of medium length, healthy, and flowing seamlessly back into the shoulders. Topline level. The chest is of good breadth and the ribs are well sprung. Excessive chest depth. Waist health. The tail is of medium length, truncated, but of sufficient length to maintain uniformity for all figures. The tail is erect, set high, and the base of the tail is level with the topline. Not a squirrel tail.
Shoulders flat back, elbows close to ribs. The legs are short, strong and healthy, as straight as those of a burrowing terrier. The palm joints are thick, the feet are round, the pads are thick and developed, and the toes are black.
Hindquarters are broad and healthy, with well developed thigh muscles. The knees are bent well. When viewed from the back, the hock joints are low and erect. The feet share the front feet.
Protective outer coat, brittle, straight, about 3.8 to 5.1 cm (1.5 to 2 inches) long, lying close to the body; down layer Clearly and conspicuously. The bristles on the neck and shoulders are longer, and a ring of bristles is also produced at the base of the ears and throat. Feathered legsDegree, rough quality. The coat on the head and ears is short and smooth, except for the eyebrows and whiskers. Some care is needed to keep the Norfolk Terrier clean, but plastic surgery is severely punished.
Red, yellow, black, tan, gray and dark patterns are allowed, but white freckles are not acceptable.
The ground is true, the foot is short and has driving energy. Viewed from the front, the legs are stretched forward from the shoulders, and viewed from the side, the hind legs follow the same path as the front legs. The iliac part communicates freely with the flexible vines and hock joints, and the topline is level when walking.

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