Spider Web Turtle
Spider Web Turtle

Spider Web Turtle is a spider web tortoise, which is a kind of land turtle that lives in forest areas. Turtle species are relatively difficult to adapt to human feeding, and they are not artificially grown for sale individually. The spider web turtles on the market are all wild individuals and have higher environmental requirements, so they need to be purchased with caution.

Chinese name: Spider Web Turtle

Chinese alias :Spider Tortoise

English name:Commonspider tortoise


Kingdom:Animal Kingdom

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Prostozoa

Order: Turtles

Family: Telaidae


Species: The spiderweb tortoise

Dispersed: is a species of tortoise endemic to Madagascar.

Appearance characteristics:Mature individual carapace is mostly 12~15cm, which belongs to small tortoises. The carapace has a special glazed luster and a network-like bright yellow pattern. There is a central joint structure between the shields.

Livelihood customs: Rest in the forest or sand dunes within 10 to 50 kilometers from the coast. During the season, they will go underground to aestivize.

Growing customs:Oviparous. Female tortoises often only lay eggs once a year, and they only lay one egg at a time. They are a tortoise species that rarely lays eggs and are very difficult to grow. As for the difference between male and female, it is similar to that of ordinary tortoises. They are mainly distinguished by their tails.

Food habits: Feeds on young vegetables and cow dung.

