Shape characteristics of the herringbone butterfly
Herringbone butterfly

The herringbone butterfly has a gentle character and can be compared with the large butterfly Some butterfly fish can be kept in polyculture, but be careful not to keep them with strong guinea fish. The herringbone butterfly has a special shape and is easy to raise, so it is a very popular butterfly fish.

The body of the herringbone butterfly is silvery white to grayish yellow. There are diagonal dark lines interspersed along the scales on the side of the body to form a reticulate pattern. There are also three dark saddle-shaped bands on the side of the body. The first one is formed by The first spine of the dorsal fin reaches the upper part of the gill joint, the second two spines are in the middle of the body, and the third spine extends from the back of the hard spines and soft rays of the dorsal fin through the caudal fin to the back of the anal fin; the eyeband is narrower than the eye diameter and does not spread to the lower half of the eye; The trailing edge of the soft ray of the dorsal fin is silvery white, with a narrow black band at the end; the front 2/3 of the anal fin is silvery white or yellow, with a black border; the center of the caudal fin has a meniscus-shaped black band wider than the eye diameter, and another black band at the rear end. .

Herringbone butterfly eye wear is narrower than the eye diameter and does not spread to the lower half of the eye. Many butterfly fish have eye-like dark round freckles on their tails, which are false eyes they use to deceive attackers. The purpose is to allow attackers to mistakenly attack the dorsal fins, which have brittle and hard spines to protect themselves. Butterfly fish are not very local. Although they occasionally fight, they do not break out frequently.

