Anbu Guan shell turtle
For the Anbu Guan shell turtle, initially The most striking image is his dark carapace and the striped yellow patches on his face. The collision of colors creates a very obvious contrast, which also makes the Ambrosia turtle very good to see. The Ambrosia turtle can completely seal its carapace, which is an excellent method of self-protection.
The Ambugan shell turtle is the only one among all turtles in Borneo that has a fully evolved plastron hinge structure. After the head, hands and feet are cut off, it The carapace can be fully connected, making it impossible for this turtle to mix with other species. Its carapace is smooth and has a high bulge in a hemispherical shape. There is a ridge in the center of the adult carapace, but two special ridges may appear on both sides of the larvae's carapace.
The carapace is olive, brown or almost black, and the belly carapace is yellow or beige with large black freckles. There are yellow vertical stripes on the face. It rests in stagnant or slowly oscillating water bodies, including rivers, lakes, swamps, mangrove wetlands, and farmland. Compared with adults, which have almost no aquatic habitat, larvae are more aquatic.
The abdominal carapace of the female Anbuguan shell turtle is flat and the tail is short; the center of the male turtle's abdominal carapace is concave, and the concave level is larger in older turtles. The plastron of young or newly mature turtles is either not concave or slightly concave. The Anbuguan shell turtles on the market all come from the wild. They have been resold many times. In addition, due to differences in environment and climate, most of the turtles are injured or sick, and their survival rate is low, especially in Shuofang. Because the Anbu Guan shell turtle has lived in the water for a long time, the carapace and plastron are easy to rot. During normal management, the turtle should be moved to the mainland from time to time to expose it to the sun. However, it cannot last long, otherwise the scutes on the carapace will easily become warped. Fall off.