The life span of the Boxer Dog. The Boxer Dog is a better pet dog, but the life span of this dog is relatively short, because The dog is more susceptible to hereditary diseases and therefore should have the best possible care. What is the lifespan of a Boxer Dog? Let’s pay attention to it below.

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Boxer dog, native to Germany, has a strong appearance. The head shape is proportional to the body, the nostrils are large and black, and the nostrils are likely to be large. The ear shape is developed, and the tip of the ear is often cut off manually. The neck is beautiful and looks great with no saggy skin. The body is in the shape of a cloak. , the tail is short and held high. The forelimbs are upright and parallel. Be loyal and don’t hold grudges.

All European dogs are related to the Boxer. Through long-term scientific breeding, the popular German dogs have retained their excellent qualities. In addition to having the blood of bulldogs, Boxer dogs also inherited some characteristics of terriers. At one time, English bulldogs were exported to Germany. In fact, the famous bulldog in Reinagle's painting of 1803 closely resembles a poodle, and some paintings from 1850 show English fighting dogs that are almost identical to German dogs. Breeding this kind of dog requires the dog to be energetic and eat with strength.

Boxer, smart dog work and pain work, generally no more than 10 years old. This dog is very susceptible to rheumatism, so it should be dried in time after being wet by rain, and its teeth should be cleaned by a veterinarian frequently.

As for the daily necessities of Boxer dogs, dog owners should create a good living environment and start living a better life.

