dog The frequency of a dog wagging its tail represents the level of excitement
Specialized Dogs (Definite Introduction)

Dogs wagging their tails represent their affection for you However, as all dog owners know, there are several types of tail wagging in dogs. Often, the faster the tail wags, the more excited the dog is. What is the reason for this?
The movement of a dog's tail is closely related to its senses and special anal glands. Anal glands give each dog its own special scent. An excited dog will wag its tail to spread its breath; a frightened dog will protect its anal glands so that no more gas is released.
The frequency of tail shaking reflects the strength and excitement of the dog. The faster the tail shakes, the more excited and strong it appears. The slower the tail shakes, the more excited it is, but the health condition is not good. When hunting dogs, police dogs and military dogs perform their missions, the meaning of their tails wagging is even more profound.

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