How do you tell whether a German Shepherd is pure or not? The German Shepherd’s coat is black with cloud-like black hair, and its back and face are also black; the size of the head should be consistent with the size of the body. There is a suitable width between ears; the body is longer than the body height; the back is stretched and powerfully developed, and the tail has full hair, bending outward like a knife and drooping.

How do German Shepherds tell if they are pure or not 1

Character of the German Shepherd: Thick, quick, muscular, alert, full of life, direct, courageous, but without malice.

The temperament of a German Shepherd: bold, but without malice. Confidence and obvious neglect make it less easy to get close to and cultivate friendship. This breed must be approachable, stand calmly, appear confident, be willing to make arrangements, and not be stubborn. It should be nonchalant, but occasionally it will appear concerned and warning.

The coat color and type of the German Shepherd Dog: It should be black with cloud-like black hair, and its back and face are also black. The chest and ribs of a German Shepherd can be white, but this color is not ideal. The dog's nose hair must be completely black. Too little black hair on the face, too little black hair around the eyes, and light or white nails and tail tips should be considered a lack of pigmentation. The base coat of a Collie should be light gray. White is not allowed. Coat: The ideal dog has a double coat of plain length. The outer coat is as deep as possible, straight, thick, and flat against the body. A slightly wavy coat, often of a just-coat quality, is permitted. The head, including the ears, forehead, legs and soles of the feet are covered with shorter hair, and the hair on the neck is long and deep. The hair is slightly longer on the forelegs and behind the hind legs, spreading to the pasterns and hocks. Soft coat; silky coat; overly long outer coat; woolly quality coat; crooked coat; holey coat. This dog has short hair. Skin: Tight, free of all wrinkles.

 (1) Basic characteristics of the head

The size of the head should be consistent with the size of the body. The length of about 40% of the body height is most suitable (the length from the forehead to the nose). The skull must have a crisp and firm feeling. It is not advisable to stretch too much. I completely feel that it needs to be filled up. There is a suitable width between the ears.

① Forehead: Viewed from the front and side, there should be no arch at all, and no depression in the center, reaching a relatively tight level.

② Cheek: The cheek and jaw can show the strength of the bite force. Although the arc of the cheek is long, it should not exceed the front line.

③ The upper forehead (accounting for about 50% of the total length of the head): From the upper part of the head, from the ears to the front of the nose, gradually form the first tip, and then the level will form on the forehead. When viewed from above, the same pattern extends to the wedge-shaped and long nose. The width of the forehead is roughly the same as the length of the foreheaddegree is consistent.

 ④ The upper jaw and lower jaw: must reach a strong and powerful fullness level, the bite must be strong, the lips should be contracted, and intersect with each other with outstanding muscles.

⑤ Bridge of the nose: The straight bridge of the nose should be consistent with the spreading line of the forehead.

Purebred German Shepherd dog knowledge is - how to determine whether a German Shepherd dog is purebred

 ⑥ Teeth: The dog’s teeth must be strong, strong in bite force, and complete. [) There are 42 teeth in total, 20 in the upper jaw and 22 in the lower jaw. The teeth of a German Shepherd dog bite like scissors. It is a fault that the teeth of the upper jaw are too far forward or recede. Excessive space between teeth is also a fault. The incisors should always be spaced and the bite should be very close. Must be strong and powerful.

⑦ Ears: medium in size, broad at the base, high and erect, both ears facing the same direction, not to one side, the front end of the outer ear hub must be thin and pointed toward the front. It is not good for a dog’s ears to be skewed, short, or droopy. ⑧ Eyes: The size of the eyes should be average, apricot-shaped, not oversized, dark eye color, suitable for the coat color, preferably dark.

⑨ Neck: The neck must be strong and have well-developed muscles. The skin of the throat must not hang down easily. The standing posture of the dog's neck should maintain an angle of 45 degrees when it is tense and relaxed, but stretch the neck forward when running forward. The one who comes out is better.

 (2) Basic characteristics of body shape

 ① The length of the body should be longer than the length of the body height. The length of the body height is 100. For this length, the length of the body length should be between 110% and 117% of the body height.

② Chest depth: The depth of the chest should be about 45% to 48% of the body height. Those who are particularly deep are not very good.

③ Ribs: The bones of the ribs must be fully developed, long, and prominent in shape. Barrel-shaped or flat ones are not very balanced.

④ Elbow: The position of the elbow should extend to the sternum position of the elbow. That is, the elbow and the lower line of the sternum are aligned. When running around, the chest can be moved easily and freely at the elbows. If the chest is underdeveloped due to ribs, the muscles are not stretched enough, and if the chest is too round, it will cause disease in the elbows, and they cannot be reversed easily. A chest that is too flat will cause the elbow to be pressed in. The chest stretches in the opposite direction, and the result is that the waist will be shorter.

⑤ Abdomen: The arc of the abdomen gradually slows down and rises backward.

 (3) Basic characteristics of the back

① Back: including waist. Stretch, and flourish powerfully. The distance from the neck to the buttocks should never be too long.

② The front of the back must be of sufficient length and height, clearly visible from all sides of the dog, and should not interrupt the topline, but should gradually descend along the topline from front to back.

③ Waist and beardVast, muscular and powerful.

 ④ The female dog’s buttocks are used to produce the placenta, so short sloping buttocks or straight rump are not necessary.

⑤ The hips are long and only slightly slanted (about 23 degrees).

⑥ Tail: The tail should be full of hair, bent outwards and drooping like a knife. When resting, it maintains a slow arc-shaped droop, but when excited or energized, it will obviously form a bow-like shape and lift slightly upward. However, if the horizontal line is not raised upward when the dog is not victorious, the tail should not be straightened or rolled up on the back. Shortening the tail or changing the shape artificially is not allowed by the regulations.

(4) Basic characteristics of forelimbs and hindlimbs

① Forelimbs: The shoulder blades are long and the slanted position touches the ground. The upper carpus and forearm are approximately at right angles.

② The upper wrist is the same as the shoulder, requiring strength and well-developed muscles.

Purebred German Shepherd dog knowledge is - how to determine whether a German Shepherd dog is purebred

③ Forearm: When viewed from all directions, it should be straight. [ ] The bones of the upper and fore wrists are oblong.

④ It will not work if the elbow is too light or too squeezed.

 ⑤ The bones of the forelimbs are long, longer than the deep tip of the chest, accounting for about 55% of the body height.

 (5) Basic characteristics of hind limbs

 ① The upper part of the hind limbs must have healthy muscles and a wide range.

② The upper part of the hind limbs: when viewed from the side, it appears slanted.

③ The lower part of the hind limbs is slightly longer than the upper part, and the angle is roughly the same as the angle of the upper wrist of the forelimbs. An angle that is too deep is not good.

④ The joints must be strong. The front tarsus must also be strong and form a tight joint with the lower part of the hind limbs. The hind limbs can easily push the body forward during the dog's movements. This not only makes the dog's legs strong, but also requires the dog to have developed hind limb muscles.

 (6) Basic characteristics of the toe

The toes of the German Shepherd Dog are short, very close, and resemble an arc-shaped bulge. The bulbous part of the sole of the foot is very thick and has no cracks. The claws are short, strong and black in color. The claws of German Shepherd dogs are mostly on the hind feet and should be clipped on the first day of life.

 (7) Basic characteristics of coat color

The coat color of German Shepherd dogs can be divided into light gray, black, brown, and yellow. Only black is mixed with other coat colors to form the main coat color of the dog. Small white freckles on the chest or inside, or very light colors are allowed to remain, but they are not ideal for the completeness of the dog.

The main color of German Shepherd dogs, except black, is often gray. The color of a puppy's coat can only be determined when its body is fully grown.

(8) Basic characteristics of hair

The hair on the upper part of the German Shepherd DogThe thicker the better, each hair must be straight and thick, and the inside of the ears and the back of the head and feet, and the tips of the feet and toes should be short. The neck is slightly longer, the hair on the elbows of the forefoot and the root joints of the forefoot are all long, the hair on the upper part of the hind limbs and buttocks is longer, and the length of the hair is mixed. There are differences according to the differences of dogs.