Western Hermann Morphological characteristics of Western Hermann
Western Hermann's tortoise

Western Hermann's tortoise The tortoise is a subspecies of the Hermann's tortoise (certainly introduced). Its appearance is not very different from the eastern Hermann's tortoise. It is difficult for people who come into contact with this tortoise species for the first time to distinguish them. , for people who are very familiar with this turtle species, it is also difficult to identify them when they are hatchlings.

1. Appearance characteristics of Hermann's tortoise

Hermann's tortoise The carapace of the tortoise is dark brown with yellow stripes, and the edge of the carapace is mainly yellow; the ventral carapace is yellow with two dark brown spots; there are several rows of small scales on the front edge of the forelimbs, and there are no warty scales on the hind limbs. Hermann's tortoise is one of the representative species of European tortoises. Its strong physique, gorgeous character, moderate price and ordinary size make it a very qualified entry species. Hermann's tortoises are distributed in Eastern Europe, Southern Europe, the Baltic Peninsula and Turkey. Their resting environment is very wide, and they can be seen in forests, shrubs, and wilderness.

2. Identification of Hermann's tortoise

Generally speaking There are two subspecies of Hermann's tortoise: the western Hermann tortoise is distributed in the western half of the Mediterranean from Spain to northwest Italy; and the eastern Hermann is found in Eastern Europe from southern Italy to the Baltic Peninsula. It is not a simple matter for beginners to correctly identify the differences between Heman subspecies. It is widely believed that the western Hermann has yellow scales behind its eyes while the eastern Hermann does not. At the same time, the ratio of the breast shield to the femoral shield of the plastron is different between the two. However, these two characteristics are not obvious in many individuals. , especially larvae under 10 cm, many people can find hazy yellow scales behind their Heman eyes, but what they have happens to be.

