Morphological Characteristics of Anton
An The Anton Lucky Red Frog

The Anton Lucky Red Frog has a male body length of 60-65mm and a female of 90-95mm. If threatened, it will stretch its body like a toad to intimidate the enemy. Although tomato frogs are beautiful to look at, don't touch them. Their beautiful skin contains protective toxins that are enough to cause severe pain to the offender. The male tomato frog has a body length of 60~65mm and a body weight of about 410 grams; the female frog is slightly larger, with a body length of 90~135mm and a body weight of about 230 grams. It is about the same size as a fist and is bright red all over. It looks like A ripe tomato. The Andong Lucky Red Frog mainly rests in small but nutrient-rich ponds. Tomato frogs are nocturnal animals and mainly eat crickets, wheat bugs, cockroaches, small fish, etc., and occasionally even small mammals such as mice.

When a tomato frog encounters an enemy, it will expand its body to intimidate the enemy. If this trick does not work, it will become more serious, and a layer of white mucus will ooze out of its scarlet skin. All creatures that encounter it will suffer from skin irritation, which, although not fatal, will cause eternal pain like a grilling pan. Tomato frogs mate and grow temporarily during the rainy season from February to March every year. The female frog lays 1,000 to 15,000 black and white eggs in the water. They hatch into tadpoles in 36 hours and mature into adult frogs at about 45 dawn. The color is lighter and dark yellow. It takes about half a year to grow into an adult frog, and its body color turns bright red. Its lifespan is unknown.

