Pekingese Dog (Definite Introduction) p>
Ideally, the body weight of male Pekingese dogs should not exceed 5kg, and that of female dogs should not exceed 5.5kg. Although it looks small, if you lift the Pekingese, you will find that it is surprisingly heavy. It seems to be thin. In fact, it is the kind of baby fat with muscular development, so it is definitely not light.
Head: The top of the head is thick, broad and flat (not arched). The head is high, the cheek bones are broad, and the broad, low chin and wide chin constitute its precise facial structure. Viewed from the back, the head is deep, forming a rectangular shape of the head and face. Viewed from the side, the Pekingese dog's face must be flat. The chin, nose and forehead are in the same plane. This plane should be straight when the head is in its normal position, but is actually slightly tilted from chin to forehead. The wrinkles are particularly effective in dividing the upper and lower parts of the face. The appearance is that it starts from the skin folds and is covered with hair on the cheek, and spreads to the other cheek through an inverted V shape in the center. Although the wrinkles are large enough to crowd the entire face, they are not so large that they cover the nose and eyes and impede vision.
Neck, topline, body: The neck of the Pekingese is extremely short, thick, and connected with the shoulders. The body is pear-shaped and compact. The forequarters are heavy, with ribs well sprung and hanging in the middle of the forelegs. Chest broad, extending very little or not beyond the sternum. The thin and light waist is extra special. Topline flat. Tail set high; rolled over center of back. The feathers are long, abundant and straight.
Forequarters: Pekingese’s forelimbs are short, thick and strong-boned. The bones from elbow to ankle are slightly curved. The shoulders are well angled and lie flat against the body. The elbows often come close to the body. The front feet are large, flat and slightly turned out. Must be able to stand well.
Hindquarters: Pekingese dogs have lighter bones than their forequarters. Stifle and hock angles are gentle. Viewed from the back, the hind legs should be close together and parallel, with the toes pointed forward. Both forequarters and hindquarters are expected to be strong.
Gait: The Pekingese has a calm and elegant gait, with a slight twist behind the shoulders. Because of the crooked forelimbs, wide and heavy forequarters, and light, straight and quiet hind limbs, it can twist with its thin waist as the fulcrum. The wriggling gait is smooth, brisk and almost as free as bouncing or jumping.
Temperament: The Pekingese dog embodies the dignified, proud, confident, stubborn and irritable nature of the emperor. It appears cute, friendly and affectionate to people who win its respect, but it may not be comfortable with strangers.Friendly people appear to be ignoring them. The above characteristics are a perfect example of the Pekingese dog. Weaknesses are evaluated according to their level.
Ears: Heart-shaped ears, located on both sides of the head. The precise placement of the ears combined with the extra deep hair creates the illusion of a wider head.
Eyes: Extraordinarily large, extraordinarily black, round, shiny and well-parted. The eye circles are dark, and when the dog looks straight forward, the whites of the eyes cannot be seen
Nose: black, wide, and very short when viewed from the side. Produces an extra flat face. The nostrils are open. The nose is located in the center of the two eyes, and the nose is usually located in the center of the line connecting the two eyes.
Chin: Very short and wide, complementing high and wide cheekbones. The skin is black. The beard adds to the oriental look. The lower jaw projects slightly forward. The lips are flat and the mouth is closed properly, with no teeth or tongue visible. An overdeveloped chin and an underdeveloped chin are generally unpopular.
Hands and feet: short hands and feet, the bones of the hind limbs are thinner, and the upper part of the forelimbs is stiff.
Feet: The feet are large, flat and slightly turned outwards. Must be able to stand well.
Tail: The tail is set high at the base; curled in the center of the back. The feathers are long, abundant and straight.
Furry body coat: The coat is long, straight, and erect, with rich and soft undercoat covering the entire body. There are obvious manes around the neck and shoulders, which are slightly shorter than the coat on the rest of the body. A long and rich coat is ideal, but it cannot affect the physical appearance of the body, nor can the correct coat structure be ignored. Feathering: There is long feathering on the front legs and behind the thighs, ears, tail, and toes. The feathers on the toes should be left on, but should not interfere with walking.
Coat color: All colors are accepted, and all colors are treated equally.