The morphological characteristics of the Schnauzer
Schnauzer (confirm introduction)

The ideal shoulder height range for Schnauzers should be 30.5 cm to 35.5 cm. The body structure is strong and close to a square shape, that is, the height and body length are approximately the same, with plenty of bone mass, and does not look like a toy in any situation. Physical Disadvantages: Height less than 12 inches or more than 14 inches (equivalent to 30-36cm). The height at the shoulders is exactly the same as the length of the body.
Morphological characteristics
Eyes are small, dark brown, and deeply set. The eyes are oval-shaped and have sharp gaze. Disadvantages: Light, large, and oversized eyes are all disadvantages. Ears, if cropped, should be of the same shape and length, with sharp corners. Their length is commensurate with the size of the head and no excessive length is allowed.
The ears are located high on the top of the head, with the inner edge vertically extending and the outer edge roughly bell-shaped. If the ears are not cropped, they will be small, V-shaped, and folded over the top of the head (button ears).
The head is rich and rectangular, its width gradually decreasing from the ears to the eyes and then to the nose. Unruffled Forehead The forehead is flat and fairly long. The tone is parallel to the forehead, with a slight stop, and the tone is the same length as the forehead. The muzzle is rich and well proportioned to all of the head; the muzzle ends at an excessively obtuse angle with deep whiskers to create a rectangular head surface. Disadvantages: Rough head lines and thick face.
The bite is a scissor bite. Disadvantages: Upper jaw overbite, mandibular overbite, pincer bite.
The neck is rich and slightly arched, perfectly integrated with the shoulders. The skin of the throat is tight and wraps the neck in the right place. Body short and deep, chest reaching at least to the elbows. The ribs are well sprung and of good depth, joining back into the short loin. Topline straight; sloping slightly downward from withers to root of tail. The withers are the highest point of the body. The length from breast to rump is exactly the same as the height of the horse withers. Disadvantages: The chest is too wide or the chest is not deep enough. Thick back is sunken or arched. The base of the tail is set high and the tail is carried upward. The tail needs to be docked and the length maintained is: when the dog's coat is of appropriate length, the length just exceeds the topline. Disadvantages: Tail base is too short.
Forequarters: From all angles, the forelegs are straight and parallel to each other. They have rich arms and plenty of bone. The moderately deep chest is located between the two forelimbs. The elbows are close to the body. Disadvantage: loose elbows.
Shoulders are skewed, musclesThe flesh is flourishing, flat and clean. They integrate well with the back so that the sides of the shoulder blades are just above the elbows. The tops of the shoulder blades are very close together. The shoulder blades are tilted forward and downward, and at an appropriate angle, allowing the forelimbs to stretch forward as much as possible without being restrained. The shoulder blades and forearms are both long, allowing adequate chest depth. The claws are short and round (cat's feet), the pads are thick and black. Toes are arched and close together.
Hindquarters: The hindquarters have muscular, sloping thighs. Proper angle at the stifle joint. In the standard stance, there is enough angle for the hock ends to extend beyond the tail. Hindquarters do not appear larger or higher than withers. The hind ankles are short, perpendicular to the ground when in a standard stance, and parallel to each other when viewed from the back. Faults: sickle legs, bull legs, O-shaped legs or crooked hind legs.
Coat: Double coat, brittle and hard outer layer of just hair and deep undercoat. The head, neck, ears, chest, tail and body need to be stripped. Under competition conditions, the coat on the body must be of sufficient length to reflect the quality of the coat. Completely covers the neck, ears and head. The texture is quite deep, but not silky. Disadvantages: The coat is too soft or too short, or looks very smooth.
Tight, rough, bristly hair and as deep as possible, soft and close undercoat, rough coat, according to the hair texture inversely, the hair grows towards the back, neither moist nor flexing. The coat (hair on the body) is trimmed (significantly), but only beyond the surface of the body.
Color: The recognized colors are salt and pepper, black silver and pure black. Regardless of the color, the pigmentation of the skin must be very even, that is to say, white or pink patches appearing in all parts of the skin are not allowed.
Salt and pepper color: The typical salt and pepper color is produced by black and white hair, pure black, and pure white hair, with black and white hair being the predominant color. A variety of salt and pepper colors are acceptable, from salt and pepper colors with lighter colors to salt and pepper colors with darker colors and brown shadows. The coat color of salt and pepper dogs will gradually change to light gray or silvery white in the following parts: eyebrows, beard, cheeks, under the throat, inside the ears, chest, under the tail, lower half of the legs and inside of the hind legs. Also, a light tint will probably form on the underside of his belly. However, the light-colored part should not extend to the sides of the body, higher than the elbows.
Black silver: The black silver style is similar to the salt and pepper color. In the case of salt and pepper color, it must be pure black. The black and silver coat should be covered with black undercoat. The hair that has faded to brown needs to be removed, and the hair color under the belly should also be dark.
Pure black: Pure black is the only recognized simple color. The ideal color is a very rich dark coat with a lighter, softer undercoat. This color is ideal in all situations. Brown or faded hair should be removed. If you shave the hair with scissors or electric clippers, the hair color will become lighter. It is acceptable to have small white freckles on the chest or occasional white hairs on other parts of the body.
Disqualification: pure white or with white stripes, whiteDogs with stains and white patches, black dogs with small white freckles on their chests. The color of salt-and-pepper or black-silver dogs gradually fades to light gray or silvery white from the throat and chest down. In addition to other natural expressions
Gait: To evaluate the gait, focus on the gait when walking quickly. Examine the forelimbs from the front, with the elbows close to the body and pointing straight forward, neither outward nor inward. Looking at the hind limbs from the front, the hind limbs are straight and communicate with the corresponding forelimbs on the same plane. Note that generally after completing a brisk walk, the hind legs will continue to communicate with the front legs in the same plane, but a slight inward tilt is allowed. When observing from the forward side, the shoulder point should be used as the benchmark, while when observing from the opposite side, the hip joint point should be used as the basis. Regardless of whether viewed from the front or from the back, the forelimbs or hind limbs are straight from the reference point to the ground. When the Miniature Schnauzer (certain introduction) walks, the legs tilt inward at an extremely small angle, which is almost indistinguishable with the naked eye. The toes cannot cross and the elbows cannot turn out. Viewed from the side, the forelimbs can be fully stretched and the hindquarters have strong driving force. The feet do not turn in or out. Disadvantages: walking in a single line, side steps, raising the front legs, paddling, and lack of drive energy with the hind legs.
Temperament: The typical Miniature Schnauzer is bold, warning, and gentle at the same time. He is very friendly, intelligent, and loves to serve his master. It's neither invasive nor too intimidating.

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