The lifespan of the Lamborge dogThe lifespan of the Lamborge dog is relatively short. The lifespan of an average pet dog is about 10 years, but the average lifespan of the Lamborge dog In around 7 years. Since Lamborghini dogs are more susceptible to hereditary diseases, owners must pay attention to scientific breeding. Let’s take a brief look at the basic habits of Lamborghini dogs.

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The Lamborghini dog, or translated as Lamborghini dog, originates from Germany. It is a cross between St. Bernard dog, Newfoundland dog and Great Pyrenees dog. And it was cultivated after several selections. The body height is 65 to 80 centimeters and the weight is about 40 to 60 kilograms. This dog is tall, muscular, powerful, and has a majestic appearance. He is intelligent and sensitive, has deep feelings, has a friendly and kind expression, likes children, and has strong obedience.

In surveys in the UK and the US/Canada, the average lifespan of Lamborghinis is about 7 years, which is about 4 years less than other purebred dogs of the same size. Unfortunately, there are some serious diseases that can affect Lamborghinis. Burger dog. Certain types of cancer are very common diseases.

Lampogs love water by nature and are excellent rescue dogs for drowning. Their fur is waterproof and they have webbed toes, making them good at swimming.


