Morphological Characteristics of Brown Tree Frog
Brown Tree Frog

Brown Tree Frog is an endangered animal. If we want to understand the morphological characteristics of Brown Tree Frog, we might as well start from where they rest. Start talking. The brown tree frog belongs to a species of the genus Toadidae under the family Aphididae. Like most frogs, they are terrestrial frogs, that is, they live on the mainland. They are often easiest to find under fallen trees, among tree roots, etc. In order to avoid being discovered by natural enemies, their body color will be as close as possible to the surrounding living environment during the evolution process. Therefore, the body color of brown tree frogs is mostly different shades of tan with different patterns on their bodies. This body color allows them to hide well between trees or tree roots.

Another reason why brown tree frogs can survive well among fallen trees and tree roots is their small size. Normally, the body length of the brown tree frog is 19mm. Due to individual differences, the body length of the brown tree frog also has slight differences.

Careful characterization of the morphological characteristics of the brown tree frog

Body color: Brown.

Eyes: Large.

Stature: Small, body length is about 19mm.

Forelimbs: Shorter and smaller.

Hind limbs: Stronger and longer. Because they do not need to live in trees like tree frogs, their toes do not have the same obvious webbing as tree frogs.

