If the koi suffers from swim bladder imbalance, it may roll over or lie on the bottom. It is necessary to control the water temperature of the fish tank to ensure sufficient oxygen and help the koi to straighten its body. The owner needs to change the water in the fish tank regularly and check the condition of the fish. Sick fish need to be separated and raised immediately. If the koi does not recover well after changing the water in the fish tank and adding oxygen, it is necessary to seek professional advice.

How to rescue a koi that is lying on its side

How to save a koi that is lying on its side

Koi that is lying on its side may be suffering from swim bladder imbalance. Sick fish will be depressed. , sinking to the bottom of the water or even turning over. Once the owner discovers a sick koi, he should immediately isolate and raise the koi, control the temperature of the new fish tank, and do not change the water too quickly.

How to rescue a koi that has rolled over and is lying on the bottom

Koi rollover may be caused by hypoxia. When the owner discovers that the koi rollover needs to immediately change the water in the fish tank and add oxygen. If there is an oxygen pump, it must be turned on immediately. If the fish returns to normal after observing for 1 to 2 hours, it will be fine. When the temperature is relatively high, the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water will decrease, and the fish tank needs to be oxygenated immediately.

How to rescue a koi that has rolled over and is lying on the bottom

It may also be caused by improper feeding. If the owner feeds out of order, the koi may eat too much and may roll over and lie on the bottom. The owner needs to feed the koi at fixed points and in quantitative amounts, and also increase or decrease it appropriately according to the temperature. If the koi is found turning over, he should immediately help him straighten his body. In serious cases, he should seek help from professionals.

