Introduction to some varieties of ginseng crabs
The ginseng crabs have also It has become one of people's new pets

The popularity of people's pursuit of food has also made great changes in the keeping of pets. Now, the crab has also been cultivated Come out and become one of people's new pets. However, there is not much information on raising crabs at present. People's awareness of crabs is still mostly on the dining table. So in terms of species, which crabs are worthy of our attention? What about feeding?

1. Red-chelated hand crab 

There are actually two types of crabs. The all-red crab is called the red mantis crab, and the red clawed crab is called the Chinese imitation hand crab. It cannot be grown artificially because it spawns in estuaries and offshore areas, and the larvae live in the sea. However, the adults sold can all be raised in fresh water. It is best to have shallow water just up to its back, and put a stone on the surface to facilitate its breathing; the water level can be lower without stones, but deep water is not recommended as it is easy to become deprived of oxygen. Room temperature is enough. Omnivores tend to be carnivorous, and they will also eat turtle food. However, although they do not feed apples, melon rinds, etc. 

Difficulty of raising: Very simple, many children can raise them until they shed their shells, but here is a little extra, the time required for all crabs to shed their shells No need for human help, just like crayfish.

2. Creek crab

The main one is the sawtooth Huaxi crab, but there are also other varieties. There are also many varieties, some of which are very interesting and can be grown. There are some blue crayfish that are similar in color to blue crayfish (very common). Sawtooth Huaxi crabs and several similar species are not difficult to raise.

On the breeding of creek crabs: 

1. Temperature: Maintain the temperature without causing major changes in temperature, and the temperature difference should not exceed 5℃ 

2. Food: Food habits are very complex, basically eat anything, just don’t feed chocolate or anything like that

3. Environment: Simulate the native land. If the mud is too dirty, you can use sand or something to spread it. Just simulate a stream. It is best to place stones in the stream if conditions permit, and pay attention to maintaining Water quality is very important!

4. Landscaping: The landscaping of the creek crab tank is not so necessary. It is okay mainly for viewing. There is a A little trick~ The sand (gravel) occasionally collected from the stream may be better than the purchased one.

Remember it! Never clean creek crabs. As long as the water quality is kept clean, the crabs will not be dirty. Cleaning them accidentally will cause their limbs to break off.

3. Leopard-spotted Crab 

In some places, it is also called Sulawesi leopard crab, but Sulawesi crab generally refers to various devil crabs. This does not belong to the category. Not only is it impossible to determine whether it is actually produced in Sulawesi, but the customs are also completely different. Not common. So leave the plan. 

This is one of the few species that can be kept in deep water (it still needs to be fully oxygenated, as are all crabs, otherwise the molting time may be tragic. If the crab has been fine and suddenly dies suddenly after being raised for a period of time, it is most likely due to lack of oxygen) and it can grow. Generally, room temperature is fine, but you can keep it warm if you want. It is omnivorous and tends to be carnivorous. Large ones will damage grass and shrimps, so it can be mixed with medium and surface fish or larger fish. There is a kind of native crab that is very similar to it, but there is no research on the relationship between them.

4. Rainbow Crab 

A variety that has only been available for many years. It is originally produced in West Africa and has very few ingredients. According to the Taiwanese translation, its name is called Armed Round Axis Crab. Larger in size and more aggressive.

 Belongs to land crabs and needs wet sand with a large water basin buried inside so that the crabs can enter and exit freely. Generally, aquatic tanks have too much water, which is not suitable. Because it is a type of land crab that relies more on water, it will be fine in the water for a long time. Some materials even say that it can be raised in water. However, it is also said that they do not go into the water at all in the wild and only replenish water in places with stagnant water. ,We are better off simulating native conditions. Omnivorous, vegetarian is expected to be better, and it is also easier to clean up. Do not force artificial growth.

5. Purple Ground Crab

One of the crabs with the highest level of terrestrialization, the Christmas Island red crab that migrates widely in rumors and news is a direct relative.The dependence on water is very low. It mainly absorbs moisture from food and the environment. It can survive for a period of time just by covering it with moist coconut soil. However, like the above, if you want to keep it for a longer time, you still need a seawater basin. Compensates for salt and mineral content. Do not force artificial growth. It needs an escape and is omnivorous. You can feed it fruits, vegetables, fish and shrimp. 

Difficulty of raising: There is no difficulty in raising it, but this kind of crab should have a relatively long life under natural conditions. It is still very small at present, and many people do not provide seawater, so it is difficult to know how long it will last for humans. It is said that it is easy to die when it sheds its shell.

