The inner structure of the centipede is fully revealed

If you want to feed well Of course, we must first understand the internal structure of the centipede. The centipede is also known as Tianlong. Because it has many legs, it is also known as the centipede. The editor will take you to familiarize yourself with the internal structure of the centipede.
1. Digestive system
The digestive system consists of digestive ducts and digestive glands. Food enters the digestive tract from the mouth and undergoes mechanical action and chemical analysis before it can be absorbed and used by centipedes. The digestive tract is simple. It is a straight tube running through the center of the body from the mouth to the anus. Behind the mouth is a swollen pharynx. Its interruption is good for sucking food. The digestive tract after the pharynx is divided into three parts: foregut, midgut and hindgut. The foregut and hindgut are both short, but the midgut is very long. The foregut mainly plays the role of absorbing, transporting and initiating digestion of food. The midgut is an important place for food digestion and absorption, and the hindgut controls the production of feces and the task of transporting it to the anus of the telson for elimination from the body. The digestive glands are a pair of grape-shaped salivary glands that open into the foregut through the salivary ducts. The salivary glands can secrete saliva containing digestive enzymes to moisten and begin to digest food.
2. Respiratory system
Centipedes breathe through the tracheal system. The trachea is an elastic tubular structure formed by an indentation of the body wall. The wall is equipped with chitin spiral filaments that support the trachea and facilitate gas flow. The trachea has many branches scattered among the cells and structures of the body wall. The trachea has teeth on both sides of the body that are the same as the outside - the valve, which is the gap left when the trachea is born. The centipede has 6 pairs of spiracles, which are located in the 4th, 6th, 9th, 13th and 15th segments. , the other sections have deteriorated, retaining only a little trace. Each valve has a closing and opening device, and the negative valve can be opened and closed. When opening and closing, the gas can flow in and out without obstruction. Proper closing can prevent the evaporation of water in the body and the invasion of foreign objects.
3. Circulation system
The centipede’s circulatory system is an open-tube circulation, but it is relatively developed. The tubular heart is at the back of the digestive tube, runs through the trunk, and has a surrounding heart. Surrounded by membranes, it advances from backward into the cephalic artery and leads to various organs in the head. In addition to the anterior dorsal blood vessels, there are also a pair of lateral arteries that surround the alimentary canal and merge into epineural blood vessels on the ventral surface of the alimentary canal. These blood vessels have branches that join the hemocoel. In addition, except for the last few segments, the centipede has a pair of heart holes in each segment. The heart holes are the openings through which blood enters the heart from the sinusoids..
4. Osmosis system
The centipede’s osmosis tube is Malpighian tube. It is an unbranched blind tube that arises at the junction of the midgut and hindgut. The blind end of the Malpighian tube is free in the hemocoel, absorbs the waste produced by metabolism from the blood, and sends it to the hindgut. After the hindgut reabsorbs water, it is connected to the feces through the anus and eliminated from the body.
5. Nervous System
The centipede’s nervous system is similar to that of the earthworm, which is a chain nervous system. It includes a cranial ganglion, which is distributed from nerves to the antennae and eyes. There are two nerves connected to the lower esophageal ganglion. The lower esophageal ganglion has nerves connected to the large jaw, 2 pairs of small jaws and the jaws. Then there are two posterior ventral nerve cords and a pair of ganglia in each segment. As the somatic segments heal, the ganglia also heal. Each pair of ganglia sends nerves to each other segment to regulate body movements.
6. Reproductive system
Centipedes are male and female. The gonads of the centipede reproductive system are all located behind the digestive tract. They are simple ovaries or testes. They consist of one reproductive tube, the fallopian tube or the vas deferens, which is later divided into two, which go around the digestive tract and are separated into the reproductive pores of the male and female. . There are also two pairs of accessory gonads that lead to the end of the reproductive duct. The female centipede has 2 spermatheca and the male centipede has 2 sperm storage vesicles. They both lead to the end of the fallopian tube and vas deferens. The female centipede fills the body cavity when the eggs are mature. The mother before giving birth stores sperm in the spermatheca, so that the fully mature eggs can combine with the sperm during ovulation, become fertilized eggs and be eliminated.

